This page last changed on Nov 23, 2010 by kskaburs.


CREAMCEDJS-probe probe for direct CREAM-CE jobs submission and monitoring.

Metrics for direct job submission

The following metrics are available

Name Description
org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-DirectJobState [SAM:Active+Passive] Direct job submission to CREAM CE
org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-DirectJobSubmit [SAM:Passive] Final status of direct job submission to CREAM CE
org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-DirectJobMonit [SAM:Active] Babysit submitted grid jobs
org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-ServiceInfo Get CREAM CE service info
org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-SubmitAllowed Check if submission to the CREAM CE is allowed
org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-DelegateProxy Delegate proxy to CREAM CE


To target a specific endpoint on a CREAMCE one has to provide the following parameter

--resource <URI>       CREAM CE to send job to. Format :
                       If not given - resource discovery will be performed.
No WN payload

This is the template JDL for direct job submission to CREAMCE

# cat /usr/libexec/grid-monitoring/probes/org.sam/wnjob/org.sam.gridJob.CREAMCE-djs.jdl.template
Executable = "<jdlExecutable>";
Arguments = "<jdlArguments>";
StdOutput = "cream.out";
StdError = "cream.out";

Right now [SAM:Tuesday, November 23 2010] the metric doesn't send any payload to WN, with <jdlExecutable> being simply /bin/hostname command. This wasn't implemented because CREAMCE didn't provide an explicit mechanism for getting WN logs as OutputSandbox, which, in turn, didn't allow any debugging of problems of running WN payloads (aka tests). The ticket was created SAM-950 "PROB: add WN payload creation for CREAMCE direct submission" to add the WN payload.


Monitors submitted grid jobs. By default invoked by Nagios each 5 min. Threaded implementation with one thread per monitored resource with max 10 threads. Passively updates org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-DirectJobState with the latest state of the job according to WMS when job is not in a terminal state. When job enters terminal state or was canceled the metric updates both org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-DirectJobState and org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-DirectJobSubmit with the final job status. The latter metrics are updated (as passive checks) either via Naigos command file or NSCA. org.sam.CREAMCEDJS-DirectJobSubmit is the metric which goes to Metric Store Database.

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